A spelling game for 2 to 5 players
Created by Max Millard


set of 26 multicolored plastic alphabet letters
small plastic plate
large plastic cup
score sheet & pencil


A, E, I, O, U = zero points

B =2 K =11 S =19
C =3 L =12 T =20
D =4 M =13 V =22
F =6 N =14 W =23
G =7 P =16 X =24
H =8 Q =17 Y =25
J =10 R =18 Z =26


1. Put the five vowels and the letter Y on the little plate. Put all the other letters face up in the middle of the table.

2. Each player picks a different color represented by the alphabet letters. The score sheet is passed around the table clockwise, and each player writes his name at the top of a column, and the chosen color underneath.

3. One person picks a letter without looking. Whoever has that color goes first. Then the players take turns, going clockwise around the table.

4. Each player arranges the letters into a word and tries to get the most points possible, without taking too much time. The word can be in English or Spanish. It can be a proper noun such as a person's name. But it can't be just initials, such as TV or CD.

5. The players write down the score for each letter they use, and add up their score every time they make a word. They should line up the numbers properly on score sheet and remember to include their previous points with the total score.

6. Each consonant can be used only once. Then it is put into the cup. The vowels and Y can be used over and over. The vowels have no value but Y is worth 25 points.

7. The letter S cannot be used at the end of a word to make it plural, such as ZEBRAS or TOYS.

8. Every word can be made just once in each game, such as YOU or YO.

9. If someone can't make a word, the next person may try. The game continues until all the consonants are used or until nobody can make another word.

10. A player who goes first in one game may not go first in the next game.


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