Presidio Middle School
8th Grade Social Studies
Test by Max Millard
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Circle the the best answer for each question.

1. Who were more likely to be hunters and trappers?

a. Married men
b. Single men
c. Men with families

2. Why did trappers kill the beavers?

a. Because the beavers damaged too many trees.
b. So they could sell the furs.
c. Because the beavers ate all the fish.

3. Who got along best with the American Indians?

a. Hunters
b. Pioneer farmers
c. Permanent settlers

4. What is a pioneer?

a. Someone who knows how to cross rivers
b. Someone who can build a log cabin.
c. Someone who is the first one to do something

5. Who were more likely to learn the American Indian languages?

a. Hunters
b. Pioneer farmers
c. Permanent settlers

6. Who built bigger log cabins and dug wells?

a. Hunters
b. Trappers
c. Pioneer farmers

7. What is a trapper?

a. Someone who sets a trap for people and robs them
b. Someone who catches wild animals, skins them and sell their fur
c. Someone who makes fur coats.

8. What is a pelt?

a. The skin and fur of an animal
b. A type of rock
c. The top of the skull

9. Who did not come to undeveloped areas?

a. Permanent settlers
b. Pioneer farmers
c. Trappers

10. What was the more common type of profession among permanent settlers?

a. Storekeepers
b. Lawyers
c. Doctors

11. Under the Northwest Ordinance, a territory could become a state when it had:

a. 5,000 free adult males
b. A population of 60,000
c. A governor

12. Why did Louisiana have enough people to become a state in 1812?

a. It had a lot of slaves
b. It had the city of New Orleans
c. It was the closest state to Georgia

13. How did Florida become a state?

a. It was always part of the United States
b. Spain sold it to the United States
c. It was taken from Mexico

14. Why did so many Americans move to Texas?

a. Because it had oil
b. Because the land was very cheap
c. Because they were given permission by Mexico.

15. Who were the Tejanos?

a. Mexican citizens who lived in Texas
b. Americans
c. Native Americans who had lived there for hundreds of years

16. What was manifest destiny?

a. The belief that God wanted the U.S. to expand its borders to the Pacific Ocean.
b. The taxes that the settlers had to pay
c. The requirement that they become Catholics

17. This city was the capital of Texas and the site of the Alamo

a. Dallas
b. San Antonio
c. Houston

18. Why did about 180 Texans defend the Alamo against more than 2,500 Mexican troops?

a. They thought they could win
b. They thought they could escape
c. They decided to sacrifice their lives for Texas independence

19. What was Steven Austin famous for?

a. He was the first president of Texas
b. He set up a colony in Texas and won the first victory against the Mexican government
c. He defeated Sam Houston in a duel

20. Which of these is not true about Antonio López de Santa Anna?

a. He won the battle of the Alamo
b. He led the Mexican Army in the Texas Revolution and the Mexican-U.S. War
c. He won the battle of San Jacinto and took Sam Houston prisoner

21. What Mexican law were settlers in Texas supposed to obey?

a. They had to join the Catholic Church
b. They had to free their slaves
c. They had to speak Spanish

22. When was the nickname of Texas when it was an independent country?

a. The Bear Flag Republic
b. The Lone Star State
c. The Lone Star Republic

23. Texas won its independence in 1836. What happened in 1845?

a. The U.S. attacked Mexico
b. Texas became a state
c. Mexico attacked Texas

24. What was the Alamo?

a. A military fort
b. A church mission building
c. A government building

25. Who won the battle of San Jacinto which ended the Texas Revolution?

a. The Mexicans under Santa Anna
b. The Americans under General Taylor
c. The Texans under Sam Houston

26. According to the Mexicans, which river was the border between Mexico and Texas?

a. The Nueces
b. The Rio Grande
c. The Mississippi

27. Why didn't people from the North want the U.S. To annex Texas as a state?

a. Because Texas had slavery
b. Because it was so big
c. Because it had so many Mexicans

28. When did the Mexican-U.S. War take place?

a. Before the Texas Revolution
b. After the Texas Revolution
c. At the same time at the Texas Revolution

29. When Texas became a state, how much did the U.S. pay Mexico?

a. Nothing
b. 1 million dollars
c. 15 million dollars

30. When did Mexico recognize Texas as an independent country?

a. After Santa Anna was released
b. After the Texas Revolution
c. Never

31. Who was the president of the U.S. during the Mexican-U.S. War?

a. Zachary Taylor
b. Winfield Scott
c. James Polk

32. Who declared war on Mexico?

a. The president
b. Congress
c. The general of the American Army

33. What excuse did the president of the United States use for going to war?

a. He said Mexico had invaded the U.S. and spilled American blood on American soil.
b. He said Mexico wanted too much money for the land
c. He said Santa Anna was a threat to our security

34. Who won the first battle of the Mexican-U.S. War?

a. The Americans
b. The Texans
c. The Mexicans

35. Why did the Americans think they should annex California and New Mexico?

a. There were very few Mexicans living there
b. Gold was discovered
c. They wanted to move the American Indians there

36. What happened in California during the Mexican-U.S. War?

a. Mexico surrendered without a fight
b. There were a few battles
c. There were a lot of battles

37. What was the final battle for Mexico City?

a. Goliad
b. The Rio Grande
c. Chapultepec Castle

38. Who were the six boy heroes?

a. Drummer boys
b. Teenage cadets who died defending Mexico City
c. The youngest soldiers in the American army

39. What American general conquered Mexico City?

a. Zachary Taylor
b. Sam Houston
c. Winfield Scott

40. Which is true about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

a. It ended the Mexican-U.S. War
b. It made the Mexicans pay for war damage
c. It gave Florida to the United States



1. b. Single men
2. b. So they could sell the furs.
3. a. Hunters
4. c. Someone who is the first one to do something
5. a. Hunters
6. c. Pioneer farmers
7. b. Someone who catches wild animals, skins them and sell their fur
8. a. The skin and fur of an animal
9. a. Permanent settlers
10. a. Storekeepers
11. b. A population of 60,000
12. b. It had the city of New Orleans
13. b. Spain sold it to the United States
14. c. Because they were given permission by Mexico.
15. a. Mexican citizens who lived in Texas
16. a. The belief that God wanted the U.S. to expand its borders to the Pacific Ocean.
17. b. San Antonio
18. c. They decided to sacrifice their lives for Texas independence
19. b. He set up a colony in Texas and won the first victory against the Mexican government.
20. b. He led the Mexican Army in the Texas Revolution and the U.S. Mexican War.
21. a. They had to join the Catholic Church
22. c. The Lone Star Republic
23. b. Texas became a state
24. b. A church mission building
25. c. The Texans under Sam Houston
26. a. The Nueces
27. a. Because Texas had slavery
28. b. After the Texas Revolution
29. a. Nothing
30. c. Never
31. c. James Polk
32. b. Congress
33. a. He said Mexico had invaded the U.S. and spilled American blood on American soil.
34. c. The Mexicans
35. a. There were very few Mexicans living there
36. b. There were a few battles
37. c. Chapultepec Castle
38. b. Teenage cadets who died defending Mexico City
39. c. Winfield Scott
40. a. It ended the Mexican U.S. War